Thursday, December 25, 2008

Just A Few Snow Pictures

Mom December 2008

I wanted to post a few pictures of mom that were taken during my recent visit to Beaumont to see her.
I love you Mom!!

Merry Christmas To All!

Can you believe it? Looks like a LOT of snow to me!!!

Jared modeling his new sweater from Christmas.

Nice smile Jared!

Just us.

Well, I couldn't very well not include a picture of Mike now could I???

Well...we have about a foot of snow on the ground....and huge, white snowflakes are falling even now as I type this. It's just beautiful! We are definately experiencing a white Christmas this year...and are beyond thrilled!!!! (at least I am) :)

We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to come! Stay safe...stay warm...and enjoy that special time with your families.

May God Bless,

Trish, John and Jared

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Snow In Beaumont

I'm in Beaumont visiting with family...and we had SNOW....yeah...that's right....snow!!! Here's a couple of pictures to prove it....

No snow in Washington....snow in Texas....hmmmm....

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to you all...and we do have so much to be thankful for! :)

Monday, October 27, 2008

Cumberland Pass Pics/2

I just thought I would share a few more of my favorite pictures that we took over the weekend.

Tree On Cumberland Pass

On Saturday John and I went with another couple from church (Tom and Judy) on a drive through the Cumberland Pass. It is a loop that runs through the mountains between Mt. Vernon and Darrington and is part of the Mt. Baker Snoqualmie Forest. We were blessed with an absolutely beautiful day...and the fall colors are at their peak now! The sun was out and, though it was a bit cool, the crisp air felt good!

They don't grow them like that anymore :)

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Outreach Evangelism Seminar Update 2

On Sunday we had our second post-seminar group meeting and were very pleased that 20 were in attendance! We also had some very good news. Kirk Garrison was baptized after church Sunday morning :) His mother had gone through the entire series of lessons that she got from Dennis Menear...just to be assured that he understood clearly what he was doing. The lesson plans definately make it possible for anyone to share their faith in Christ with others, and to teach others effectively. Karmen also has another Bible study going as well.

Next week we plan to look at one of the videos provided. We're all very pleased with the continued participation from those who attended.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Outreach Training Update

A few weeks ago the church here at Skagit Valley had a personal evangelism seminar sponsered by the 36th Street church of Christ in Vienna, West Virginia. The Outreach Training Northeast program is an eight day training seminar to help Christians learn the skills to share their faith with others.

Dennis Menear spent a week up here with us. We are greatly appreciative to the church in West Virginia for offering this program free of charge (!) to any interested congregations. We are especially appreciative to Dennis for using his vacation time in doing this very important Lord's work. Thank you Dennis :)

We had our first post-seminar meeting yesterday afternoon after church and had 16 people to attend. Very encouraging!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Yearbook Yourself

I ran across this neat little website that allows you to see what you would have looked like had you been born several years ago! You have to find a picture of yourself looking straight on into the camera and then watch what happens! I had a lot of fun doing this!
Watch me as I grow up...beginning in the 50's.











Just do a google search "yearbook yourself" and you'll find a perfect way to waste an hour or so of your day :)

Friday, September 05, 2008

Vacation Bible School/Part 2

I just wanted to let everyone know that our VBS was very successful!

There was even an adult class that John taught every night for the parents that brought their children for VBS.

The children learned a lot...and had a great time!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Vacation Bible School

We started our Vacation Bible School tonight. I's later than usual, but was the time that just seemed to work best for the most people. School starts back next week. We have several families in the congregation who are homeschooling.

Here's to a great start for our Vacation Bible School. We will be having it every night from 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. The kids seemed to have a great time. We even have an adult class for any parents that bring their kids and want to stay for it. :)

Nancy & Patti

Teacher Lisa

Eric & Nyssa

Cutey Katie

Lydia & friends

Sisters Faith & Evelyn


Faith & little brother Joseph


Don't fall off!!


Patti & friend

Just precious

Get in a straight line now :)

Another one of Joseph. When did he grow up into a little boy. Wasn't it just yesterday that he was born...and a little baby???
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