Monday, January 28, 2008

Just A Few More...

Snow This Morning!

We woke up to some snow this morning! I guess the fact that we don't have to actually drive in it makes it even more exciting for us...the roads are a bit of a mess...and many of the schools are closed. We didn't get all that much compared to some places...but we'll take what we can get! Thought I'd share a few pictures I took early this morning (some very early!)

Monday, January 14, 2008

Have You Thought About Your Soul?

I was cleaning up in my office this morning and I ran across this. Thought I would share it. Definately something to think about.

Have you ever stopped to wonder
What this life is all about?
Why you're here and where you're going.
When your lease on time runs out?
Maybe you've been far too busy
Trying hard to reach your goal;
Would you let me ask you kindly,
Have you thought about your soul?

You may reach the highest portals,
And your dreams may all come true;
Wealth and fame may be your portion,
And success may shine on you,
All your friends may sing your praises,
Not a care on you may roll;
What about the great tomorrow
Have you thought about your soul?

Don't forget your days are numbered,
Though you may be riding high,
But like all of us poor mortals,
Someday you'll just up and die,
Your success and fame and glory
Won't be worth the bell they toll;
Let me ask you just one question,
Have you thought about your soul?

If you've never thought it over,
Spend a little time today,
There is nothing more important,
That will ever come your way
Than the joy of sins forgiven,
And to know you've been made whole,
In the name of Christ the Savior
Have you thought about your soul?

Author Unknown

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Short Hair year...cut my hair. I've been trying to get all the color out of my hair and let it grow out naturally. Since my hair grows soooo slow, I just whacked it off pretty short and will let it grow longer now. As slow as it grows though, it'll probably take a while though. Oh well....NOT the most attractive pictures (the hair looks good though), but as Popeye would say "I am what I am!"

Old Pictures/Our Fifth Anniversary

I was cleaning up some of the files on my computer and external hard drive today when I came across these pictures. I had forgotten about them. They were taken on John's and my 5th anniversary on Pensacola Beach.
I just love the background colors of the sunset!
We're old married people now...coming up on our 8th anniversary.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Jared left today to go back to school. He took the shuttle out of Burlington to Sea-Tac Airport. He's headed back to Henderson, Tennessee. We had a little bit of snow today in the Seattle area, but they kept the main roads clear so it wasn't any problem.

We had a sort of open-house at the end of the year. Invited all the church members to come and visit...sort of a come-and-go type thing. Had some snacks, and John made his own hot chocolate mix and his own spiced tea mix. We try to do this every year. We had a house full of people. A lot of them really enjoyed playing the Wii...not just the young folks either!

This is Jared with his friend Andrew...hmmm...not quite sure what he's doing....anyway....I hope you all had a Merry Christmas and now it's a whole new year! May you all have a blessed one!

Thursday, January 03, 2008

This Is Meez

Meez 3D avatar avatars games
Edit: This is funny...cuz every time I see looks to me like she's looking for a bathroom or the nearest port-a-potty! Cracks me up!! (Probably drank too much orange gatorade.)
Designed by Lena Graphics by Elie Lash