Thursday, June 29, 2006

Regarding Open Minded

I am a person that has strong religious beliefs. Yet I base those beliefs, not on what others have told me I should believe, but on the conclusions to which I have come because of my own study of God's Word, the Bible. Yet I know that there is so much more for me to learn. I am always open to knowing and learning to be the way God wants me to be.

I have used that same Bible to form my opinions about other issues, such as homosexuality or abortion to name a couple. Because God says it is wrong, I feel it is wrong as well. The society in which we live in today would not say such things. Just because it's legal to have an abortion, is it the right thing to do? Just because many in our society say homosexuality is okay, that does not mean it is right. We have to look to the Bible as our standard to determine what is right and wrong. That's not a very popular position to take sometimes.

Now that's no excuse to treat someone who is a homosexual in an unloving way. Nor should you look down on a person who felt she had to have an abortion because of the circumstances of her life at the time. We just need to show love to everyone, because we were all made in the image of God. And we try to build a relationship of genuine caring with all people. Then we try to show them what God says about what is right and wrong, by directing them to the Bible.

We are all human. We all make mistakes. We are all guilty of sin. We all need a savior. That Savior is Jesus Christ. He has already provided the way of forgiveness for our sins through his precious blood. If we would only listen and obey.


Kevin Beck said...

By the very fact that you and I talk (via blogs) on a whole host of issues on which e disagree shows me that you are open-minded.

I fully agree that showing love to all people is the best way to emulate Christ, because we are all fashioned in God's image.

I know I've done many things that have hurt others and myself. I'm glad that my failures (real or perceived) are not splashed all over the headlines. Maybe that's my ego talking?

Anyway, I'm amazed at Biblical characters like David who's worst days afre written down for everyone to see for all eternity. If God can be gracious to David, God can be gracious to me. Thank God.


Trish said...

I agree with you completely! I too have been guilty of making some of those poor choices in my life that, in retrospect, I would love to be able to get a re-do. I do thank God for His love, His sacrifice and His forgiveness.

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