Saturday, December 16, 2006

Things just keep moving along

Things are looking pretty good right now regarding our possible move to Burlington. John and I will be flying up for a weekend in the middle of January. This way, they can meet us and see if they are still interested in hiring John as their new preacher. On the other hand, John can meet them and see if he's still interested as well. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and my prayers going that it will all work out and that in June we will be moving up there! So far everything has worked out so well that this is really going to happen! I'm starting to get excited about it now, but I have to hold back a little just in case it doesn't work out because I will be SO disappointed!

Mom and my brother Danny are supposed to be arriving sometime today. They will be here until December 29th. Mom will be staying here most of the time, but she'll probably spend some time with my brother Gary and with Danny's girls as well. I guess I'll share her!

I had it all arranged. Monday was supposed to be my last day to work until after January 1st. Mom's coming down...I was going to spend as much time as possible with her...and then John asked me what I did with my JURY SUMMONS! I'm like, what jury summons??? Apparently I got one in the mail a while back and didn't find out about it until Thursday evening. I was frantically looking for it around the house, hoping there wasn't a warrant out for my arrest or something for failing to show up. Anyway, I found it, and I have to show up on Monday, the 18th! It's too late to try to get out of it now. Maybe I won't get picked this time though.

Why is it that some people seem to get summoned more often than others? This will be the 3rd time in 6 years for me, and I was picked to be on the jury both times before! Usually I think the whole process is pretty interesting, but this time I think I'd rather just step aside and let someone else take a turn!

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