Saturday, March 31, 2007

Check This Out! Baby Got Book!

There's more than one way to spread the good message!

Monday, March 19, 2007

My Personalized M & M!

I kept seeing this commercial on t.v. about this website and making yourself an m&m. I just HAD to try it out! If you want to as well, go to this website and try it.
Who doesn't LOVE an m&m anyway?????

Sunday, March 18, 2007

It's Spring Here In Florida

The weather has been really nice here in Florida. The kids are gonna have GREAT weather for spring break this week! Though the water will still be cold, you can bet that the beaches will be full of people soaking in that sunshine!

Today it is a little nippy. Supposed to get up to a high of about 68, but tonight the low will be 38! Spring doesn't officially start until Wednesday.

The dogwood trees are in full bloom, as well as the azaleas. This is my favorite time of year here. We have 3 dogwood trees on our property.

Just thought I'd post a picture of our bird Cosmo, or "birdy-bird" as he's often called!

Mike Enjoying The Spring Flowers

Monday, March 12, 2007

Outreach Training Seminar

We just completed an 8 day outreach program at our church. Dennis Menear, from a congregation in West Virginia, was our instructor. The church where he attends actually pays his way to visit any willing congregations twice a year to offer this training. That's pretty amazing to me! I'm surprised that he's not booked up years in advance, but he isn't.

He said that our congregation was the largest group he had had participate (in comparison to the size of the congregation) EVER! That's pretty good! We initially had about 20 participants, but some had to drop out because of illness. And some missed because of other obligations...but overall it was a really good thing for our congregation.

Basically it was geared towards getting us confident enough to begin to reach out to others more; just sharing our faith with others. It's a hard thing to do sometimes. I think mostly because we are all afraid of offending someone, or we're afraid they will say they aren't interested. I think we are all afraid of rejection. But remember, even Jesus wasn't successful with everyone! so how can we expect to be???

We just have to sow the seeds as we go along. I need to share Christ with others because I love them and I care about them and I know that without Christ they are lost. We need to care about that. Because the Bible says that broad is the way that leads to destruction and many will go down that road. I want to do everything I can to help someone who is going down that broad road to realize their need to change; their need for Christ.

It's so easy to get comfortable and content, and to lose that sense of urgency that comes with knowing that Christ could return at any time. We don't know when. Don't we all know someone who is not a christian? We were encouraged to choose 3 people that we would pray daily for; that we would try to "love and influence" (which involves spending time with them, helping to meet their needs and trying to get them involved with other christians). Our ultimate goal is to lead them to Christ.

So...we should all pray for opportunities; for wisdom to know the right things to say in a way that they can understand it. That we would make the most of every opportunity that comes our way and that we would always be kind. But most importantly, we need to get us out of the way and let God speak through his Word.

We should: always be ready to give an answer to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you...1 Peter 3:15

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Just A Couple More Pictures Of Our House

We Sold Our House...Already!

Both John and I woke up this morning and realized that we had the same dream last night. We dreamed that we put our house on the market and it sold that same day!!! wasn't a dream! It really happened, and we're very happy (though still in a little bit of shock!)

They put the "For Sale" sign in our yard yesterday morning, and our Realtor (Audrie Palmer, she's a member at Leonard Street) showed the house yesterday afternoon. They LOVED the house and made an offer, which we accepted.

I also love this house...well, at least as much as you can love a material thing. I'd love to be able to pack it up and move it to Washington State with us. But I am so thankful that we don't have to worry about whether or not it is going to sell before we have to leave. All the worry about that is just gone.

If I had even a smidgen of doubt that God's hand was in this whole process (John getting the job in Burlington, us moving up to the Pacific Northwest, getting the house sold in a timely manner) then they are all gone. God surely has been blessing us and leading us in this direction...NO QUESTION ABOUT THAT!

If I was Elaine Bennis (On Seinfeld), when Audrie told me she was going to use our dining room table to write up an offer and a contract, I would have stood in front of her, pushed her with both hands and shouted "Get Out!" She would have went flying across the room! THAT'S how excited I was! (If you're not a Seinfeld fan, you have no idea what I'm talking out!)

I'm posting a few pictures of our house.
Designed by Lena Graphics by Elie Lash