Saturday, March 03, 2007

We Sold Our House...Already!

Both John and I woke up this morning and realized that we had the same dream last night. We dreamed that we put our house on the market and it sold that same day!!! wasn't a dream! It really happened, and we're very happy (though still in a little bit of shock!)

They put the "For Sale" sign in our yard yesterday morning, and our Realtor (Audrie Palmer, she's a member at Leonard Street) showed the house yesterday afternoon. They LOVED the house and made an offer, which we accepted.

I also love this house...well, at least as much as you can love a material thing. I'd love to be able to pack it up and move it to Washington State with us. But I am so thankful that we don't have to worry about whether or not it is going to sell before we have to leave. All the worry about that is just gone.

If I had even a smidgen of doubt that God's hand was in this whole process (John getting the job in Burlington, us moving up to the Pacific Northwest, getting the house sold in a timely manner) then they are all gone. God surely has been blessing us and leading us in this direction...NO QUESTION ABOUT THAT!

If I was Elaine Bennis (On Seinfeld), when Audrie told me she was going to use our dining room table to write up an offer and a contract, I would have stood in front of her, pushed her with both hands and shouted "Get Out!" She would have went flying across the room! THAT'S how excited I was! (If you're not a Seinfeld fan, you have no idea what I'm talking out!)

I'm posting a few pictures of our house.

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