Sunday, June 17, 2007

Sunday Night/Wednesday Night

About 3 years ago, the elders at the church here decided to have small groups that met at different locations. So they divided up into about 4 smaller groups. In order to kind of get the members back to meeting at the church building, several months ago they started a film series basically about how our country was founded on Christian principles.

Tonight we completed the series. We had about 25 members in attendance. And this morning one of the elders made a statement that they had decided that the church here at Skagit Valley would begin a more "traditional" evening service. So, that means that as of next week, all of the members are expected to once again start meeting at the church building.

We plan to have about a 40 minute evening service (sermon, opportunity to take the Lord's Supper and give if unable to do so in the a.m.) Then there will be a Bible class and a time of open discussion regarding what John preached about that night. This way everyone gets a chance to ask any questions and to give any further insight that they may have regarding the sermon. The plan is to meet from 6 p.m. until about 7:30 p.m.

I'm really looking forward to this. It seems an excellent opportunity to have any questions someone may have to be answered pretty much immediately without having to wait until the middle of the week or until the next week.

Every Wednesday night, the church here at Skagit Valley has a potluck for anyone who wishes to participate. Then their evening Bible study is at 7 pm. Our first Wednesday here we had about 28 in attendance for services. On our 2nd Wednesday we had about 40. So that's quite an improvement over the previous week!

We finished up our Wednesday night Bible study of Philippians. Next week will begin something new. A kind of Bible study/Monday night for the Master type thing. We'll get together to eat at 6, and then have a Bible study starting at 6:30 for about 30 minutes. Then we'll do other things, such as sending cards, visiting, etc. That's just a rough plan as of now. Next week will really be a time of finalizing everything and getting more input from everybody. But everyone seems positive about it for now.

I'll keep you posted on how things work out with it. Please pray for us, that these changes will be a positive move in the right direction for the church here.

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