Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Weekend Visit

We all had a fun visit together. By the time the weekend was over, I think our dog Mike needed some rest (and so did this Granny)!


Aurora said...

Hey, I remember you from waaay back when. I guess my guy problem is something I can actually ask you about. Being a religous person, would you let your son date before 18? and whats the reasoning for NOT letting him?

Trish said...

Hi Lan. Yes, we allowed our son to date before he was 18. He had a girlfriend. But by "dating" it was more spending time at either our house or her house when the parents were there. (Not allowed if parents weren't there.) They came to church together and participated in the youth group activities.
I think it's a good thing to allow teenagers the opportunity to get to know members of the opposite sex. But I think it should be a time of focusing on friendship; finding someone you enjoy being with, someone who has many of the same interests and values as you. Because, ultimately, the main goal of dating is to find that "someone special" that you can fall in love with and get married to. That special someone that you would like to spend the rest of your life with.
Dating shouldn't be being intimate sexually with someone. As a Christian, that is something that should happen after you are married. There's a lot of pressure on young people today to be sexually involved before marriage. So, dating itself isn't wrong. The main concern is what you are doing while on a date...the behavior.
So...just enjoy spending time with this guy. Get to know him. You're still very young (and I'm assuming this guy is about your age as well?)If you both really begin to like each other then your friendship will eventually blossom into something much deeper.

Aurora said...

unfortunately, I'm afraid that i had 'new crush infatuation' and 'we' are more or less over.
I understand totally about saving sex for after marriage, but not dating at all? Do parents really have no faith or trust in their children to let them go out with someone without thinking that all they want is having sex?

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