Monday, June 02, 2008

My Visit To Beaumont

I just returned home today after visiting with mom, my older brother Danny, and my sister-in-law Beverly in Beaumont, Texas. Mom is living with them as she is unable to live my herself. She is 84 years old, and has several physical health problems that prevent her from living alone. My dad died in 1990, but mom lived alone until approximately 1 1/2 years ago when she went to live with Danny and his family.

As heartbreaking as it is to see our parents get older and more feeble, I believe it is even more so when they begin to have problems with their memory. Mom knew who I was...most of the time. She did think I was her sister, but only briefly. I do resemble one of her sisters, so I can understand the confusion. Mom has rapidly begun to forget so many things. One day she can't remember something, and the next day she will. I can only imagine how frustrating that can be for her at times.

Patience is absolutely essential when you are dealing with someone who is forgetful. Mom would frequently ask me the same questions over and over again. I would answer as if it was the first time she had asked...because to her it was the first time! She is forgetful...but not so much yet that she doesn't realize what is happening to her. Sometimes she gets frustrated...sometimes sad because she will say that she "just can't remember anything anymore".

Her sister Faye had the best answer for her. When mom didn't remember who she was, and was distressed because of it, Faye said, "That's okay. We remember who you are...and we love you!"

Mom on Sunday morning...all dressed up for church!

Mom and Me

My sister-in-law Beverly with Mom. After church we went to the park and just got outside for a little while. Beverly is such a sweet person. She took care of her own mother for years who had Alzheimers Disease.

Mom and Beverly sitting in the shade at the park.

Mom and me sitting in the shade.


Beverly, Mom and Me

And...this one is my favorite! See that little twinkle in her eye? She's still got it! I think she was really happy. She got to go to church...which she absolutely loves.

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