Friday, November 11, 2005

Thank You Veterans!

Today is Veterans Day. I would like to say a big thank you to all the men, young and old, who have served in our armed forces. Both of my brothers served in the Army. My oldest brother was sent to Vietnam on 3 different occasions. He was one of the fortunate ones who did not end up giving his life for his country. He came back to us. I remember my mother and I saying many prayers for his safe return. I was a teenager in the late 60's and early 70's. I wrote to my brother while he was in Vietnam and while he was in Korea. I looked forward to getting a letter back from him. I sure wish I still had those letters today!

Because of the Vietnam war, and the fact that my brother was over there, my mother voted for the FIRST AND ONLY TIME for a republican; Mr. Richard Nixon. That's because he promised to end the war and bring "those boys" back home. That's what happened too. Today my mother is as angry with Mr. Bush as she was with Mr. Johnson because she compares this war in Iraq with the war we fought in Vietnam. Her grandson (my nephew) is a Marine and has already been sent to Iraq once. Once again we find ourselves praying for a member of our family to be safely returned to us.

Our prayer is that this war will be over soon, and all our young men in the military can safely return home. We owe all the freedoms we enjoy in this country to those who are willing to risk it all for their country. Again, we thank you!

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