Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Satsuma Trees

We have had some absolutely beautiful weather down here in Florida the last several days...until today! I had to work Monday and Tuesday (when it was so nice), and today it is stormy and rainy! Oh well...I like the rain too! A good day to be home, curled up on the couch under my comforter and reading a book or watching something good on t.v. (if I can find something good that is!)

On Sunday after church I took a few pictures of our Satsuma trees in our back yard before I picked most of the oranges. Well...I think they'd be classified as oranges. They're really more like a tangerine because they can be peeled so easily, and they have hardly any seeds in them. We have 2 of them, and they produce plenty of oranges for our family and for us to share with some of our friends from church.

I really love the idea of going out in my back yard and plucking an orange off the tree and eating the sweet fruit right off the tree! We also have blueberries (in the summer) that are really good. If we move to Washington, I'll have to get some apple and plum trees, and the blueberries grow very well there also (and yummy raspberries!)

Well, it's started to rain very hard and the wind is blowing. Guess I'll be lazy and try to finish that book I started. I'm reading "At First Sight" by Nicholas Sparks.

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