Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Friday, January 26, 2007

Oh Happy Day

We got the call this morning that we've been waiting for. One of the elders at the church in Burlington called and said they wanted to offer John the job as preacher for the congregation. John accepted...of course...and we are both very happy and looking forward to all the changes that we will be experiencing in the near future! We'll be leaving here about June 1st. Jared graduates from high school on May 24th.

I went to the dentist this morning. Wanted to get there first thing and get it over with. I do not like going to the dentist! I had to have one of my teeth pulled, which I hate, because I have always been able to have other options in order to keep all my teeth (except my wisdom teeth. I have 3 of them pulled at one time many, many years ago!)

Oh well, even that experience isn't able to put a damper on how happy and thankful I feel today!

Thank you God for answered prayer! Look out Burlington...here we come!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Who Should Paint You: Gustav Klimt

Sensual and gorgeous, you would inspire an enchanting portrait..
With just enough classic appeal to be hung in any museum!

Sensual??? Gorgeous??? All Right!!!

My Personality


Friday, January 19, 2007

My Grandchildren

Here are some pics of my grandsons too. I LOVE the one of all 4 of them with Santa - Aminah (9), Gabriel (3), Elijah (almost 2), and Zoe (6 months).

What can I say...I'm a PROUD Granny!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Angie, Aminah and Zoe

I just have to post some pictures of my daughter (Angie) and 2 of my grandaughters (Aminah and Zoe) taken this week while up in Washington. I still didn't get a picture of my son David!

It was a wonderful trip. I pray that God will continue to lead us up in "that cold country" as my mom says!

Trip To Burlington

We just got back this evening from our trip to Burlington, Washington. It was a really nice trip. We still don't know anything at this time about what is going to happen, but in about a week we will know which direction our lives will be taking this summer. Either this door with be wide open, or it will be closed.

We saw lots of snow. The country is absolutely beautiful up there. I got to see my children and grandchildren. I'll post a few pictures, and will post more later.

I'm praying that we will be moving to Burlington in June!!!

Sunday, January 07, 2007

What if...

You are in your car driving home. Thoughts wander to the game you want to
see or meal you want to eat, when suddenly a sound unlike any you've ever
heard fills the air.

The sound is high above you. A trumpet? A choir? A choir of trumpets? You
don't know, but you want to know. So you pull over, get out of your car,
and look up. As you do, you see you aren't the only curious one.The
roadside has become a parking lot. Car doors are open, and people are
staring at the sky. Shoppers are racing out of the grocery store. The
Little League baseball game across the street has come to a halt. Players
and parents are searching the clouds. And what they see, and what you see,
has never before been seen.

As if the sky were a curtain, the drapes of the atmosphere part. A
brilliant light spills onto the earth.

There are no shadows. None. From whence came the light begins to tumble a
river of color spiking crystals of every hue ever seen and a million more
never seen. Riding on the flow is an endless fleet of angels. They pass
through the curtains one myriad at a time, until they occupy every square
inch of the sky.


Thousands of silvery wings rise and fall in unison, and over the sound of
the trumpets, you can hear the cherubim and seraphim chanting, Holy, holy,
holy. The final flank of angels is followed by twenty-four silver-bearded
elders and a multitude of souls who join the angels in worship. Presently
the movement stops and the trumpets are silent, leaving only the triumphant
triplet: Holy, holy, holy. Between each word is a pause. With each word, a
profound reverence. You hear your voice join in the chorus. You don't know
why you say the words, but you know you must.

Suddenly, the heavens are quiet. All is quiet. The angels turn, you turn,
the entire world turns and there He is. Jesus. Through waves of light you
see the silhouetted figure of Christ the King.
He opens his mouth, and you are surrounded by his declaration: I am the
Alpha and the Omega.

The angels bow their heads. The elders remove their crowns. And before you
is a Figure so consuming that you know, instantly you know: Nothing else
matters. Forget stock markets and school reports. Sales meetings and
football games. Nothing is newsworthy.. All that mattered, matters no

for Christ has come. .

Doesn't that just give you the chills? What a wonderful and glorious day that will be!

Looking Ahead

Today has been an emotional day for me. This morning John told the congregation that we would be leaving sometime this summer. He did a terrific job of it. I know it couldn't have been easy after being there for over 15 years. As with most things, most everybody had gotten wind of it, which probably over all was a good thing. There were a few people who were a bit shocked or surprised by the announcement though.

It was kind of sad, because though I look forward to the future, I know I will miss everybody here SO MUCH! Everyone has been so good to us...First to John and his family before Teresa's death, and then they were all so accepting of me when John and I got married.

Your church friends truly do become your "family"!

John and I are leaving for Washington on Friday morning, early Friday morning, about 4:30 or so for the airport! We should arrive in Seattle around noon. We'll rent a car and drive up to Burlington, spend the weekend there, then back to the Seattle area to visit with Angie and her family and my son David. I just have to meet my last 2 grandbabies! I can't wait!!
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