Sunday, January 07, 2007

Looking Ahead

Today has been an emotional day for me. This morning John told the congregation that we would be leaving sometime this summer. He did a terrific job of it. I know it couldn't have been easy after being there for over 15 years. As with most things, most everybody had gotten wind of it, which probably over all was a good thing. There were a few people who were a bit shocked or surprised by the announcement though.

It was kind of sad, because though I look forward to the future, I know I will miss everybody here SO MUCH! Everyone has been so good to us...First to John and his family before Teresa's death, and then they were all so accepting of me when John and I got married.

Your church friends truly do become your "family"!

John and I are leaving for Washington on Friday morning, early Friday morning, about 4:30 or so for the airport! We should arrive in Seattle around noon. We'll rent a car and drive up to Burlington, spend the weekend there, then back to the Seattle area to visit with Angie and her family and my son David. I just have to meet my last 2 grandbabies! I can't wait!!

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