Thursday, December 29, 2005

Hot Donuts Now

I have a cold, and I really don't like feeling sick! They say nurses make the worst patients and I think there's some truth to that! Fortunately I didn't have to work today...and I don't have to work tomorrow. I think I've just been forcing myself to keep going to get through the holidays. In a way, I'm kind of glad they are over for another year.

I've been working pretty hard the last couple of weeks because we've had a lot of people out of town for the holiday. So we've been filling in. Yesterday I was driving across the bridge a little after 7 a.m. The sun was shining so pretty and glistening off the water. Very beautiful! Sometimes it's nice to be reminded that God is in the heavens and all is well.

And driving home after a hard day I pass by the local Krispy Kreme and see the "Hot Donuts Now" sign flashing. Just thinking about those warm, sugary donuts just coming out of the oven was a great temptation! I remember as a teenager when we used to go swimming we would stop at Krispy Kreme and get some donuts. I would be ravenous from all that swimming. Every once in a while we would hit it just at the right time when they would be warm right out of the oven. One of my girlfriends' mother worked there, so she would give us a dozen donuts FREE! I would gorge myself on 3 of them. Oh yeah...those were the good ole days.

Guess I'll go take my vitamin C and make a cup of tea!

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