Saturday, December 31, 2005

I love this picture! Not sure where I got it, but I know I nabbed it from the Internet, somewhere. It seems rather in tune with the way I feel today. Maybe because I'm still feeling pretty rotten because of my rotten cold, and maybe because it's the end of yet another year. I don't know.

I'd say overall it was a pretty good year. I want to be like the guy in the picture, looking forward to new horizens and experiences. He's obviously kind of a risk taker, sitting on the side of that ledge like that! Just think what could happen if one good gust of wind came up! I used to be a little bit of a risk taker, but I guess as we get older we become more content to sit back and see what life brings to us. And if you listen to older people you realize they've become afraid of living as they've gotten older. I'm a good example of that. I used to swim in the Gulf of Mexico every chance I got as a child, but you won't see me out there anymore. Too many sharks! What about that undertow?!

Anyway, I wish you all a Happy New Year and may 2006 be even better than 2005 was!

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