Friday, December 09, 2005

My Birthday

Well, on Sunday I will reach the big 5-0. Yeah...that's right. It's kind of hard to believe I'm really that old. I used to think someone that was 50 was old enough to have one foot in the grave already!

The last couple of years have been ...well...interesting. My body has gone through several changes. All that junk you hear about "the change" is true! It's been difficult at times, for me and I'm sure for my husband as well. The worst part about it for me was the lack of sleep caused by waking up in a drenching sweat, throwing back all the covers, and then freezing to death 5 minutes later! Made me cranky to say the least. Plus it's just going through that lack of control. It's like your body is turning against you all of a sudden. So there's a degree of anxiety associated with that.

I've been coloring my hair, putting various shades of this and that on it, since I was in my 20's. So I had decided in January of this year to stop. I knew I had some gray up there among the light brown hair dye, but wasn't sure just how much. I would rather let my hair turn gradually than to keep putting hair color on it and have it be all white when I stopped.

I have found that I have quite a bit of gray in my hair already. My husband wants me to keep coloring it because he says it "makes me look older". (He's 53 and has a fair share of gray hair himself. But he wouldn't even consider coloring it!) I don't really want to though...and anyway...I kind of like it. I'm proud of my age, and I like it.

He's not given up though. He asked me the other day if I would do something for him for my birthday. I had to ask him what, and he wanted me to color my hair dark brown! Now I know that if you love someone you want to do things that make the other person happy. But it seems a person's hair is such a personal matter. It should be up to the individual as to how they want to wear it.

I'm not going to color my hair, but I love him anyway!

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