Sunday, April 20, 2008


We were in for a little surprise this morning when we woke up. There was about 3" of freshly fallen snow on the ground...and it was still coming down! The snowflakes were those big, fluffy kind that you love to get out and play in. If only the temperature had been just a couple degrees colder...that beautiful snow would have lasted much longer than a few hours. I just loved it! I know...I's supposed to be's really April 20th??? Here are a few of the pictures I took. (It was still early, so they didn't turn out all that well.) Enjoy them...this may be the last snow we have this spring! The only downside was that we didn't have as many people at church this morning because of it.

1 comment:

tootlepip said...

I really like your blog! I will be adding it to my google reader!

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