Wednesday, December 21, 2005

But Then Again...

Maybe this explains why we don't know how many wise men there were. And why they had to come from so far away!!!!!!

1 comment:

Aurora said...

I'm not a very religous person. I was born into a protestant family, so therefore I am supposedly prosestant. I'm planning on going to a protestant church on sunday, even though my mother doesn't want to. I don't think the TTC is running on Christmas morning or not. Maybe it is. But I shall fnd one and question the priest. I also beleive that things happen for a reason. Like, the only reason you couldn't get to your friends house for dinner was because there could've been an accident because of all the snow. Like me, I couldn't get to my aunt's house no matter how hard I tried. First, no one could drive up and get me, second, there was a massive snow storm, so again she couldn't come. But the next day my cousin could. I wish I could beleive in God, but I just don't see the reason behind it. I'm the only person my age that actually has a reason for not beleive in Him. My life has been feeling so surreal right now, and I keep having this feeling that my life is like the Truman show, being taped and published for all to see. All my mistakes, all my poor judgements all captured. All my friends, all my teadhers, family, eveyone, just actors. Sometimes i refer to Him, kinda subconciously. It's like, in the back of my mind, I feel like being close to God, but the whole concept of God is just so.......laughable. So they expect is to beleive that there is an invisible man living in the sky,who sees everything you do. This man has a list of ten things he does not want you to do, and if you do any of these things he has a special place for you were you wil suffer and cry and burn and scream, but he loves you...and he needs money? Kinda makes me question it.I wish I could project my ideas in this because its hard to explain. But in a way, God id like santa claus. We are basically scared of doing wrong, for fear of not getting anything good in return. The good is Presents in Santa Claus's scenario, and the good is Heaven in the God scenario. And heres another thing that I don't understand: The christians beleive in Jesus. Jesus is jewish. The jews don't worship jesus. How does this make sense? And how come God was so interactive with people in the beginning and now my nana, my father and my popi dies, while back then he would've talked to whoever it was that was losing them. Did he just give up? Deemed us unworthy, and decided to just watch and when some things get really out of hand, everybody turns to him, and yet he does nothing. I know that hes not supposed to do all of our petty work, but isn';t he supposed to do something? Maybe you could explain? I just want answers. Not all answers to all questions, but some. And I've written all ym questions down to ask the preist. I'm gonna see if he knows either.
~Much luff

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