Thursday, December 15, 2005

Taking Christ Out Of Christmas

It's kind of scary how some people are being so aggressive and are trying to keep God out of everything! Our children can no longer bring a Bible or pray in school. The courts don't want our children to quote the line "One Nation Under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance. While I respect a person's right to believe or not, We DO live in this country, which was founded on the principles of God. Can we now not have "In God We Trust" on our currency? Why are people so adamant about changing this?

When I was driving to work the other morning I passed by a High School in the area. The sign outside read "Politically Correct Holiday Stories" and it gave the times for this. Meaning that there would be no religious connection to these stories, is my guess. I am so tired of both the public in general AND some members of the Church making such a big commotion about "taking Christ out of Christmas".

Yes, I am a Christian, and Yes, I know that the Bible does not tell us the exact date on which Jesus was born. I am in agreement that, as the church, we don't have any authority to celebrate December 25th as the birthday of Jesus. We go to church throughout the year on the first day of the week. So I don't think we need to have some kind of special Christmas program as a church. But, neither do I see anything wrong with personally remembering the birth of Christ on a specific date either.

I put up a Christmas tree. I have presents under the tree, and have lots of food with family members visiting. But I also use this time to remember the birth of a little baby, born in a manger in Bethlehem, who came to this world to suffer an excruciating death because I am a sinner. He died in my place. He rose on the third day and is now in heaven, sitting at the right hand of the Father. Because He did all this for EVERY ONE OF US (whether we believe it, or accept it, or even care, it still happened) we now have the hope of spending eternity in heaven if we are obedient Christians in this life.

The part that frustrates me is the CHURCH seems to be going out of the way to NOT say anything about the birth of Christ, or to NOT sing the traditional songs usually sung at this time of year about Christ. So the church is doing its share of taking Christ out of Christmas as well.

I say let's take advantage of this time of year to teach people about the birth of Christ. But that's just the beginning. That opens the door to telling them about WHO Christ is and WHAT He did for us. His birth, His life, His death, His resurrection!

How can that be wrong even on December 25th?

1 comment:

Aurora said...

I know what you mean. But eher in Canada, things are slightly different. We are absolutely devoted to christmas.It's always merry christmas, or christmas songs ALL the time.It's not happy hanukah, it's merry christmas. I have no prblem with it, I'm christisn, but still, msome of my friends are jewish but they don't seem to mind. I get so frustrated when people are being discriminated against, and they don't even realize! In fact, a town in Vancouver is giving up on the whole :happy holidays" thing. He says its merry christmas, not happy holidays. Maybe you should move to Vancouver!

-Much Luff

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