Friday, January 06, 2006

Life And Death

As a nurse working for Hospice, I have been present at the time of death for many of my patients. There is such a spiritual aspect to this act of dying. No two families seem to react to the death of their loved one the same. Some cry, some are in kind of a state of shock or disbelief, and some are even relieved to see their loved one finally "not hurting anymore" or they believe they are "in a better place".

It is such a personal time for a family, to be losing their loved one to death. To essentially have a stranger in their home sharing in that experience with them is something I don't take lightly. Yet death is a certainty of life. It is a moment that we will all face at some point; when our soul will leave our body behind and be reunited with the God who made us. In some ways I suppose I could compare my presence at the end of this life to being present when a new soul enters this world during birth.

I have had the opportunity to be present when two of my three grandchildren were born. In fact, when my daughter had her second child, not only was I there, but so was her mother-in-law and her six year old daughter. Oh, her husband was there too! It's such a wonder to see a new life enter the world. God has given us the ability to have children, and though it is within the laws of nature, the wonder of it all is so awesome. We do have an awesome God!

Children can't hide their feelings and emotions. They are out there for anyone who will see. When Gabriel was born, Aminah went through several emotions, watching the birth of her little brother. A little disbelief, maybe a little worry about her mom, but in the end just a six year old thinking it was all kind of a "yucky" business!

I thank God for the fact that He has given us life. I know our time here on earth is short . Even if we live to be a hundred years old, that would be only a moment when compared to how long eternity will be. Because we are made in the image of God, He has given us a soul that will live forever and ever. Our birth is the beginning, and in death we enter the doorway into eternal life. Where we spend that eternity will be determinded by how we have lived our life during our brief time here on earth.

God's forgiveness is like becoming a new born baby again, with our past mistakes forgiven and a clean slate laid out in front of us.

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