Friday, January 27, 2006


Rather than drive all the way home from work the other night, and have to just turn around and drive to church, I went on to the church building early. I picked up a magazine in Scott's office (our secretary) and started looking at it. Found an interesting article I wanted to share.

It was titled, "Why Not Use The Leftover Embryos?" It was talking about in vitro fertilization, and explained how the eggs are taken from the female and introduced to the guy's sperm in a test tube. The eggs become fertilized and are implanted in the womb of the woman to grow into a baby.

That's pretty straight forward. But what really caught my eye, what I didn't know, was that the procedure usually results in from 5 to 12 eggs being fertilized! Normally, they don't implant more than 3 of these in the woman's womb because of safety issues (multiple births). By implanting 3 of them, the odds of actually having 1 healthy baby are more likely.

Now do the math. If they fertilize 12 eggs, and they implant 3 of them into the uterus, that leaves 9 fertilized, living embryos out there. What do they do with them? Most of them are frozen in liquid nitrogen. This gives the potential parents time to see what happened with the 3 that were implanted. Did they all take? Are they going to have a single child? Twins? Triplets? Eventually they will have to make some kind of decision of what to do with the left-overs.

They have 3 options: donate them to research (where they will ultimately be destroyed); let them thaw out (they will die); OR (and this option is so exciting!) donate them to couples who are unable to conceive themselves! How great is that idea!

That's where Snowflakes comes in. It's an agency that adopts a healthy embryo to a couple. So a couple that is in this situation now have a choice that does not involve the destruction of human life! How cool is that!

I believe that life begins at conception. As human beings, we are made in the image of God. That makes us special, because God has given us a soul that will live forever and ever. Unlike God, who has no beginning or end, we do indeed have a beginning (at conception) and our physical bodies will have an end (at death). But our soul will live forever.

Check out their website!

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