Saturday, January 14, 2006

Rain In Seattle - Day # 27 and counting

I used to live in Seattle for over 25 years. Now I have children and grandchildren living there so I try to keep up with what's happening up there. It looks like Seattle is giving a go at beating it's old record of raining the most consecutive days in a roll. I remember the days and days that were gray, overcast, drizzly, wet, and cold. Pretty miserable in the winter, I can tell you! But on the other hand, the state of Washington is the most beautiful place in the world. On a clear, sunny day when you can see Mount Rainier in the distance, or the Olympics or the Cascade Mountains...there is nothing more beautiful!

The Seattle Times today reported that Friday, another rainy day, was the 26th successive day of rain. Seattle had 0.57 of an inch of rain Thursday for a total of 12.41 inches since Dec. 19, when the city started on the path toward its own record, which it could match on Jan. 20 or beat on Jan. 21. Seattle's wet streak — which stood at 26 days Friday — may exceed the previous record of 33 consecutive days, set in 1953 .

Here's to day 27...and counting!

Addenum: Ends: 27 consecutive days of rain ended over the weekend as sunny skies end run on rain. Alas, it was not meant to be! This is one record I'm sure no one is dissapointed in not making!

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