Sunday, January 29, 2006

A Fetus At 7 Weeks Gestation

In the church bulletin today there was an interesting little article about a doctor who was one of the leading abortion doctors in the US in the 1970's. He had campaigned for the legalization of abortion, and he had performed over 60,000 abortions. He believed in what he was doing; that he was providing a service that guaranteed a woman's right to control her own body.

But a medical breakthrough changed his mind, when the ultrasound was introduced in 1976. For the first time the window was opened and he could see inside the uterus. He could see a heart, with all 4 chambers of the heart pumping blood. And as we have become more sophisticated with the ultrasound images, you can now see the baby moving, sucking his thumb, making expressions. And what woman who has ever been pregnant has not felt their child as he experienced "hiccups?"

As our knowledge has grown regarding these little babies, as yet unborn, we are able to get a much clearer picture of just who and what they are. So, now we know all the medical facts (if we care to find out), and now we can even see our babies before they are even born. But the question is, what will people do with this information?

Aren't you glad your mother didn't choose to have an abortion when she was pregnant with you?

To learn more, and to see more, click on this link. A warning though, you will not be able to look at the images and not be moved.

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