Saturday, August 25, 2007

House Of Sand And Fog

I've started reading the book "House of sand and fog". It's been a slow start for me. I even contemplated not continuing, but I'm glad I did. It's getting very interesting now!

Heres a review I found about this book which summarizes it well:

In this page-turning, breathtaking novel, the characters will walk off the page and into your life. And a small house will seem like the most important piece of territory in the world.On a road crew in California, a former colonel in the Iranian Air Force under the Shah yearns to restore his family's dignity. When an attractive bungalow comes available on county auction for a fraction of its value, he sees a great opportunity for himself, his wife, and his children. But the house's former owner, a recovering alcoholic and addict down on her luck, doesn't see it that way, nor does her lover, a married cop driven to extremes to win her love and get her house back.House of Sand and Fog is a narrative triumph in which a traditional immigrant success story and a modern love story are turned upside down with brutal, heartrending consequences. It is an American tragedy, and a shockingly true picture of the country we live in today.

Friday, August 17, 2007


Tomorrow one of the girls in our congregation is becoming a teenager. Her parents have planned a day full of activities. She will meet with several of the ladie's from the church throughout the day, who will be speaking to her about different aspects of being a Christian woman.

I will be speaking to her about hospitality. Here's what I came up with to say to her; well maybe not verbatim, but generally:


When I think of hospitality, the first that comes to my mind is: Martha Stewart. Martha is famous for being someone who can cook these wonderful meals and decorate very elaborately. She can tell you how you can have the perfect home, decorated just so where all the furniture goes together and all the colors match. She can show you how to set a beautiful table with beautiful china and real silverware to serve those gourmet meals on.

But this is not an accurate picture of true hospitality. What is hospitality? The word comes from the same Latin root as the words hospital or hospice. These words imply care and shelter.

Webster’s Dictionary: the act, practice or quality of receiving and entertaining guests or strangers in a friendly way.

American Dictionary of the English Language: the act or practice of receiving and entertaining strangers or guests without reward, or with kindness and generosity.

Hospitality is not entertaining (Martha Stewart). True hospitality is having attitude of service; the desire to extend care and concern towards others. Hospitality is not what you have, but it is who you are. It is sitting down and talking with someone, getting to know them, listening to them. It is making someone feel welcome, comfortable, special, loved and cared for. Most importantly, it is an opportunity to extend God’s love to others.

Hospitality doesn’t necessarily mean having someone over for dinner. It could simply be sending a card or letter, or a telephone call of encouragement. Because that says, “I’m thinking of you. I care about you.” So no matter who you are, or how old you are, you can find ways to express love and show concern to others.

The Bible tells us that we are to be hospitable:

1Peter 4:9 Peter wrote: “Be hospitable to one another without grumbling.” It’s so easy to come up with excuses: My house isn’t big enough; my house is too messy; my dishes don’t match; I don’t know how to cook; I don’t have enough time; etc… We need to change the focus from our house to our guests. Will it really matter to them if everything isn’t perfect? No, it’s not going to matter to them. What’s going to matter is that you cared enough to ask them over, to want to spend some time with them. You cared.

Titus 1: 7-9 Paul included being hospitable as one of those marks of a mature Christian. He is talking specifically about the elders in the church, but this principle applies to all Christians.

Romans 12: 10, 13 Paul says we are to be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love; and to be give to hospitality.

The Christian home is a wonderful environment for sharing the message of Christ. By asking someone into your home, you are taking an opportunity to share with them what Christ means in your life. You are showing you care about them and you what to get to know them better.

The bottom line is that God can use people like you and me to touch lives. When we practice hospitality, we have the opportunity to touch lives in an intimate and personal way.

Matthew 25: 35, 36; 40 “…for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me some clothing. I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me…Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these…, you did it to me. Jesus Christ.

At the end of the day, there will be a surprise birthday party for her. I think this is a wonderful thing to do for your child as she becomes a teenager!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Finished Reading White Oleander

Today I finished reading the book "White Oleander" by Janet Fitch. I liked was sad. Especially the last conversation Astrid had with her mother at the prison. When she asked her mother a question, then panicked because she didn't really want to know the answer to that question. "The rock that never should be turned over". And the certainty the reader feels as to what the answer to that question will be. And the surprise when her mother actually shows some sense of being human and caring with the answer she actually gives.

Yes, it was sad, and it just proves how a decision that one person makes can affect so many others. The pebble that is dropped into the still pool, and the ripples that reach further and further out from the center, affecting all it touches. I'd give the book an 8.

Friday, August 10, 2007

White Oleander

I've decided on my next book. I'm going to read "White Oleander" by Janet Fitch. I already know there was a movie made of it, but I haven't seen it. So...I'm looking forward to reading this book and am hoping it's a good one!

Tuesday, August 07, 2007


Well, something happened to me today that has never happened to me before. I was served with papers and now have a lawsuit filed against me! It's because of a little fender-bender that Jared got into last July. He was driving his girlfriend's car and ran a stop sign. Another car hit them. Jared was stopped in the intersection when the car hit them.

Apparently one of the guys in the car (I'm still uncertain whether it was the driver or a passenger) claims to have hurt his knee. He suffered from a torn meniscus and had to wear an immobilizing boot. He has since had knee surgery. Jared's girlfriend's insurance has settled for $25,000. but they are now coming after us for another $100,000.

They named me in the lawsuit because I was the person who signed the Florida driver's license application for Jared to get a license. Since Jared was a minor when the accident happened, they are stating that I am liable for the damages occurred during the incident.

Our insurance company made an offer to them, but apparently that wasn't enough for them. step is to just let them know about this and they'll take care of it from here!

Monday, August 06, 2007

Ice Cream Social/ Bike Ride

We invited anyone who wanted to come over after church last night to have ice cream and play some games. We figured we had about 40 or so in our house. I don't think too many games were played , but everyone seemed to have a great time talking and visiting with each other.

Today 6 of us from church: Ken, Tammi, Elizabeth, Sherri, Jared and I went on a bike ride on The Cascade Trail. It used to be a railroad that was converted into a bike trail (a rail-trail). It runs parallel with Highway 20 and connects Sedro Woolley and Concrete. The entire length is about 22 miles. We girls rode 10 miles, but Ken and Jared rode the entire 22 miles!

I suppose it would have been nice to have ridden the entire way, but we were happy with what we did! After all, it was the first bike ride any of us had been on in a very long time. The weather participated nicely - not too hot- just the way I like it. I just can't take that heat!

I think we were able to work off some of that ice cream from the night before!

The Weight Of Water

I just finished reading the book "The Weight of Water" by Anita Shreve. While Ms. Shreve is a good writer, I found it hard to follow the storyline. She kept switching back and forth from the present to a murder that occurred over 100 years before.

The main character is a photographer. She and her husband and little girl are on a sailboat with her husband's brother and his girlfriend. She begins to think that her husband and the girlfriend are having an affair, though there's no real proof of that happening.

The ending is sad, and I struggled to stick with reading the book to its completion. I would rate the book a 4. I didn't know this, but have since learned that there was a movie made of this book. I don't think I'll be watching it.

I'm not sure which book I'll choose to read next, but I hope my grading scale will start heading in the other direction!

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Wenatchee Trip/Just Some Pics

Just thought I'd post a few more pictures of the beautiful scenery we were able to enjoy on the trip.

Wenatchee Trip/Apple Trees

If you eat apples, chances are that you've eaten one from Washington state. There are literally thousands and thousands of apple trees in central/eastern Washington.

They also grow pears, peaches, cherries, strawberries...need I go on? These are pear trees.

Wenatchee Trip/Leavenworth

We drove through a little town called Leavenworth. Everything looks German. They have the Octoberfest in October, and the Christmas Tree lighting in December.
The only other time I have been in Leavenworth was years ago. My girlfriend and I stayed a couple of nights in January and did a lot of cross-country snow skiing there. It gets so cold and snowy they use the golf course for skiing! Plus they still had their Christmas lights up and it was so pretty the way the different colored lights reflected off the snow and ice!
Just imagine the place in winter with everything completely covered with snow. Again...very beautiful

Diablo Lake/Lookout

On the way over, we stopped at a place called Diablo Lookout, which looks out over the Diablo Lake. The water is so pure, and it looks like water you would find in the Carribean (the color). Very beautiful!


We took an overnight trip from Burlington to Wenatchee. My son, David, lives there so we wanted to go over and see him. We took the North Cascades Highway over, and then came back through Stevens Pass. Wow...we saw soooo much beautiful scenery! Wenatchee is a neat little town that is built essentially down in a valley and is surrounded on all 4 sides by mountains. This is the view my son sees from his apartment (poor baby):

And here's a picture of David and me taken this morning at his place of employment. (He hates to get his picture taken!) He had to get to work, so we headed back to the west side of the Cascades.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Finished Reading Icy Sparks

Well...I finished reading the book "Icy Sparks" late last night. My overall opinion of the book is that it was okay. It was written well; the writer did a good job of developing the characters. It gave a good insight as to how in our society, if you are different, then you are considered an outsider and you don't belong. That can make for a very lonely life.

While I felt sorry for Icy because of her disability (Tourette's Syndrome), I don't think I really liked her. (I hope I don't come across as sounding insensitive!) It just seemed at times (not always)she used her disability as an excuse to talk and act really ugly towards other people. Who knows...maybe she would have had more friends if she hadn't been so mean herself??? I think too many people attempt to blame their circumstances in life and use that as an excuse to do things they know are wrong.

In the end, Icy was able to overcome alot of the obstacles that life threw at her, so it was a success story. On a scale of 1 (worst) to 10 (best), I'd give the book a 5.

I am starting another book; one by Anita Shreve called "The Weight Of Water". I've never read any of her books, so I'm looking forward to reading this one.
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